Tid: Tirsdag 29. oktober 2024 kl. 17:00-20:00 (Dørene åpner kl. 16:30)
Sted: STARTUPLAB, Gaustadalleen 21, 0349 Oslo
Seminaret er GRATIS, men vi ønsker at du melder deg på her:
Det blir enkel servering, type pizza e.l. så det er bare å komme rett etter jobb!
Foreløpig oversikt over foredrag:
Bjørn Sveum, Rohde & Schwarz:
SI måling og emulering på høyhastighets datagrensesnitt
Vi ser nærmere på metoder for å teste signalintegritet på både TX og RX siden, herunder kompensering av signaltap fra signalkanalene og filtrering av signalet på mottakersiden.
Vi vil også belyse fordeler og begrensninger med oscilloskop vs nettverksanalysator i SI sammenheng.
Svein Medhus, ITec Consulting AS:
Schematic reviews: Goof-ups and ideas
Inspirational on schematic reviews, with a three step review framework. Showing how improving schematics for review will also help you make better designs. All spiced with some goof-ups, and how they could have been avoided.
Halvor Liland, Thales:
High-Speed Bus Technologies and Development Requirements
This presentation delves into high-speed bus technologies as PCIe 5.0, PCIe 6.0, USB 3.x, and USB 4.0 etc. It provides an overview of the technical advancements and challenges associated with these standards. The presentation will discuss some requirements for developing products that effectively leverage these technologies.
Hvordan vil design med 10 G bit/s pluss busser påvirke hardwareutviklerens jobb, om det vil kreve noen endring? Krav til nye kunnskaper, simulering, PCB stackup planlegging etc.
Prof Eric Bogatin, Teledyne LeCroy:
Free SIPI Tools Every Engineer Needs
This Web-presentation is a copy from EDICon Online August 21th 2024.
You are not going to design a 224 Gbps system using a free tool, but you may gain insight into how to solve a problem at 224 Gbps using a free tool. I will share my top five favourite free SIPI tools, which I think every engineer needs to have to help them accelerate up the learning curve. These include S-parameter viewers, 2D field solvers, 3D field solvers, and circuit simulators. I might even throw in a bonus tool or two.
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